I've recently (technically just bought) this Roku SE camera. It does the red light and flashing red but I don't get the flashing red and blue lights to connect the wifi and it's kinda irritating I just wanna know why the blue connection flash isn't showing
Hi, @Corneliusx_8
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
We appreciate you for letting us know about the issue you've encountered with the Roku Indoor Camera SE while setting it up, and we'd be more than glad to assist. Kindly be informed that the red light flashing is an indication that the camera is ready for set-up. For this matter, we'll provide steps to re-setup your Roku Camera and to be ready for use. Follow the steps below:
Reset your Roku indoor Camera SE
After a successful reset, you will see the status light on your camera flashing red. Then, may now re-setup your camera. For informative steps and guideline, visit the Roku's official support article on How to set up your Roku Indoor Camera SE.
Keep us posted on how this works, and if there's anything you would like to be assisted with, please let us know.
Best wishes,
Hi, @Corneliusx_8
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
We appreciate you for letting us know about the issue you've encountered with the Roku Indoor Camera SE while setting it up, and we'd be more than glad to assist. Kindly be informed that the red light flashing is an indication that the camera is ready for set-up. For this matter, we'll provide steps to re-setup your Roku Camera and to be ready for use. Follow the steps below:
Reset your Roku indoor Camera SE
After a successful reset, you will see the status light on your camera flashing red. Then, may now re-setup your camera. For informative steps and guideline, visit the Roku's official support article on How to set up your Roku Indoor Camera SE.
Keep us posted on how this works, and if there's anything you would like to be assisted with, please let us know.
Best wishes,
I'm sorry but it's still not flashing red and blue for me to set up my wifi for some reason
We appreciate you for keeping us posted, @Corneliusx_8
We understand that you're Roku Indoor Camera is still unable to connect to your network, and we'd be happy to assist you further. To successfully connect your Roku camera to your network, kindly follow the steps provided in this support article. Why is my Roku Smart Home device not connecting to the app during setup?
If the issue persists after following the steps in the article, please let us know, and we'll take further action to address the issue you've encountered.
Best wishes,
I am having the same issues as the guy above, tried all solutions you've offered and read through all the support. This camera does nothing but blink red, no matter what.
Hi @JackieLee1089,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
Thank you for bringing to our attention that you are only getting a red flashing light on your Roku Camera during setup. We would be more than willing to assist you with this.
We would like to have a closer look into this issue so could you please provide us with the following details below:
Providing these details, will help us to look closely into the issue. We look forward to your response.
Why was this marked as "solved" when it clearly never was??
Doesn't work. Still does not connect.. I bought another Roku camera, same issue. Not fixed, no solution.
I have 3 Roku cameras and only 1 will connect?
Yes, press and hold reset. It says ready for set up.
Still flashes red. Does not connect. 2 cameras.
The 1 Roku is working fine at the same time with the available wifi.
Hi, @Shawgator96.
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We understand that you're having an issue setting up your camera. We'd like to know more about this.
Is there any error code/message showing when you set up the camera?
We'll wait for your response.
The Roku Community Team