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Past the 7-Day Trial - but I still have the App after cancelling?

I signed up for Paramount Plus and my 7-Day trial ended yesterday. I canceled the renewal well before the 7 days so it would not continue. I even went in and canceled it from my apps, but it's still showing as "Installed" and I have full access to it. Anyone have this issue or suggestions? Thank You in advance!! 🙂💖 

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Roku Guru

Re: Past the 7-Day Trial - but I still have the App after cancelling?

I wouldn’t expect an app to be uninstalled when a trial or subscription ends.  But I also wouldn’t expect videos to keep playing if you successfully cancelled.  (But maybe there’s a grace period of a day or two???)

Are you allowed to manually remove it?  If you don’t have an option to remove, but instead have an option to “manage subscription” then I would think that you had not successfully cancelled it.  (ie: after you highlight it on the home screen and press *.)  Oh – the distinction I’m making in this paragraph only applies if you subscribed/trialed through roku.  This distinction will not exist if you started your trial at

Banned but back. Because why not?
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