How Do I update my address on my ruko account when i move to a new home and how many addresses can i have on one roku account anyway?
Roku does not have your address in your user account. Nothing to change, and of course no limits on that since they don't know it in the first place.
Some channels are location sensitive, but they don't get your location from Roku. They might determine your location via your public IP address, or they might ask for your zip code within the channel or on your user account for that service.
If you are referring to the email address associated with your account:
1) After your Roku account has been set up and associated with an email address, the email address is used as the login name for your account. You can still log into your account at even if you no longer have access to that email account, as long as you know your Roku account password. What you cannot do is use the "forgot password" function because it will use the email address known to the account.
2) Once logged into your Roku account at you can update your account information, including changing your email address.
After your email address has been updated and verified, this updates both the email address used to log into your Roku account and the one shown via Roku menu path Settings/System/About.