For the past day or two, the login is not the same. Before, if I went to my list of subscribed categories at it would prompt for a login if it had expired. Similar, if I replied to a post without an active login, such as from an email notification of a new post, I could log in the same.
Now, it is messed up. It seems to bounce around a few pages, then goes to the login prompt with a message across the top saying my session had expired. When I login, I end up at the basic Roku account page, and not my category list, or the post I was responding to.
Hello Community users,
We’ve received reports from users who are experiencing the need to re-login just minutes after accessing the community. We understand this is frustrating and are actively working on a resolution.
Update (12/18):
As a workaround, we recommend signing out from (via the header) and then logging in again via
Additional workaround:
You can also try clearing your browser cookies and then attempting to log in again.
Please keep us posted on your progress, and feel free to share any additional details if you continue to experience issues. We appreciate your patience!
Thanks again,
The Roku Community Team
We've tried to let the powers that be know. They'd like a video, but I don't think anyone has created one so far. Feel free to make one and it will get passed on. 😛
The "connecting to Roku Community" thing looks a bit different. It seems to first end up going to the Roku Account page, then bounces to the login, then takes you to the Roku account page. You can no longer directly go to any link if you have an "expired" login. Before, you just simply were not logged in.
Hi, @andyross.
Greetings from the Roku Community!
We appreciate you letting us know about having an issue signing in to the community. No worries, we've already forwarded this to our appropriate team for review. We'll let you know once we have an update.
If there's anything else we can do to assist you, please let us know. We're always willing to help.
Hello Community users,
We’ve received reports from users who are experiencing the need to re-login just minutes after accessing the community. We understand this is frustrating and are actively working on a resolution.
Update (12/18):
As a workaround, we recommend signing out from (via the header) and then logging in again via
Additional workaround:
You can also try clearing your browser cookies and then attempting to log in again.
Please keep us posted on your progress, and feel free to share any additional details if you continue to experience issues. We appreciate your patience!
Thanks again,
The Roku Community Team