Roku ultra lt with ethernet connection. We are elimating our wireless router and I'm using ethernet cable between cable box and roku box. I'm getting error 09. I selected wired network. Need some help. Thx
Does the "cable box" contain a router or is it just a gateway/modem that only supports one Ethernet connection?
Many times the ethernet port on back of the cable box is either disabled, or provides limited capability. (firmware updates, or allows certain downloads/streams/browsing from internet to the cable box.). The cable boxes generally do not allow other devices to be connected to them via ethernet for general internet access.
If your concern is over the Wi-fi features of routers, you can always look into ethernet-only routers (with WAN capability). TP-Link has a few, reasonably priced ones. In order for the Roku device to access the internet, you will generally need either a modem, a router, or a hotspot/hotspot device (with healthy data allowance/unlimited).