Only happens on Prime. Roku Ultra with quality HDMI cable. When scrolling Amazon Prime looking for a show, each time I move right or left on a show banner the system goes black momentarily. Does it when moving up and down the menu as well. Does not affect streaming once a show has started. Occassionally, after several menu transition momentary blackouts it will cause a white snow screen on the TV forcing me to restart the TV, but not the Roku. After a quick TV restart it usually goes back directly to the Prime menu where I left off. Again, only on Amazon Prime shows menu. Switched cables, wireless network and HDMI ports and problem persists. Reloaded Prime and have latest Roku update. Any ideas?
It could be the auto-adjust display refresh rate setting:
Wow that sure sounds like it. I will make the change and reply back.
Made the refresh rate change and it appears to have made a difference. Will play with it a while and confirm that it is a lasting solution.
Thanks for getting back to us and for letting us know how things are going.
We're glad that this has been addressed, and if there's anything else, we can further assist you. Feel free to drop in here in the Roku Community.