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Now TV Sky Sports Dolby Vision Artefacts

Roku stick 4k Dolby vision works on all apps fine

However specifically with sky sports uhd on the now tv the image has mottled patterning all through it. Some heavy googling may suggest this is some kind of HDCP watermark but I have been unable to do anything about it. It is only triggered by now tv app. Is the app at fault here and any tips to fix it? Pretty much the only reason I bought the thing! 

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Streaming Star

Re: Now TV Sky Sports Dolby Vision Artefacts

I would suggest reaching out directly to Sky Sports customer service and see if they are having an issue or you can report the issue to them.  Roku does not directly control the apps on its devices unless it specifically owns them.

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Re: Now TV Sky Sports Dolby Vision Artefacts

Actually now that I look into it it’s anything sky sports on now tv. Potentially anything now tv but I’m not subscribed to other channels. Pretty certain it’s a watermark the now tv app is triggering 

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Re: Now TV Sky Sports Dolby Vision Artefacts

you know for sure I will get nowhere doing that hahahaha!! Hoping to see either others also have the same issue, or others say they don’t so that I can try work on what my system is doing differently 

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Streaming Star

Re: Now TV Sky Sports Dolby Vision Artefacts


You never know unless you give it a try, you might be surprised.  If enough people submit an issue/bug to them about that issue, they will most likely pay attention.

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Streaming Star

Re: Now TV Sky Sports Dolby Vision Artefacts

Plus they might be able to make a suggestion or troubleshoot to fix your specific issue.

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