My Roku channel loads for 1-2 seconds before cutting out when using a Roku device. What makes this situation weirder is that the embed is playing just fine on a blogspot. I've tried checking for updates and restarting, hasn't worked.
Can someone help me troubleshoot this problem?
Hi @Spacehog,
Greetings from the Roku Community!
We're sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing on the channel. In some cases, removing the channel and then reinstalling it may help. To ensure the process is successful, follow the steps below, making sure you restart your Roku device before adding the channel again.
Please keep us posted on what you find out!
Warm regards,
Tried what you just said to a t, didn't work.
Is there a way to speak with a senior tech person regarding this? Word is Roku just did an update but its killing my channel
Hi @Spacehog,
Thanks for the update!
We would be happy to look further into this issue, but we will need more detailed information. Can you please provide us with the following information:
Once we have this information, we will be able to pass it along to the appropriate Roku team to investigate.
All the best,
Model: 3710X - Roku Express
Serial number: YU00DL209422 (7H26AD209422)
Software version: 12.0.0 - build 2184-28
GC version: 9.4.521
Timestamp: 2023-07-14T21.54:21Z
The issue started last night. Now my other channels are working fine for the most part, just B-Zone being the problem.
Hi @Spacehog,
Thanks for the response!
Please be advised that we have passed along your information to the appropriate Roku team to investigate further. Once more information is available, we will be sure to update this Community thread. We appreciate your patience and understanding in the meantime.
Let us know if there's anything else we can further assist you with aside from this.
Best regards,
Hi Chel and Space Hog:
I just found this post, apologies for posting my issue in the channels part of the forum, I am having Space hog's problem with the B-Zone also, its been like that for me since Saturday (7/15). Here is the info:
Greetings Awesome Roku Support and Community:
The cool B-Zone channel does not stream normally, after clicking on channel and then clicking on the default icon to start the actual stream, content will stream for a second and then the channel will close.
Trouble shooting:
I have over the past two days (issue started on Saturday) shut down my router and restarted both it and the Roku device. I have also removed the channel and reinstalled it, but no luck I also checked for both a Roku update and a channel update but none were available.
Issue ID/Serial number/Software version and build:
Issue ID: 31-284-894
Model number 3920X
Serial# YHOODP235731
Software 12.0.0
Build 4184-91
B-Zone software version 1.2 Build 8
Additional information:
Internet speed is good (43 MBPS) and all the other channels are streaming just fine, only B-Zone has the issue. Another cool poster said that this was a "Direct publisher" channel and these channels were going to be discontinued (oh no!) so not sure if that has any bearing on this streaming issue.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
Have a great afternoon!
Btw@Spacehog Cool name!!
B-Zone is still broken, why can't I get in touch with tech support to fix this?