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Binge Watcher

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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Update: I can't get the one in the living room to work. The bedroom works, but I've found if I pause for too long, it kicks me out of everything and takes me back to the main Roku screen. Ugh.

Dear Roku: Please fix Roku Ultra so that I can pause, let the screensaver come on AND the TV shut off, but still come back to my paused show WITH the audio working. Thank you.

Bedroom, purchased this week, mostly working:
Model: 4800X
Device ID: S02A21DU9G0H
SN: X010000U9G0H
Version: 11.0.0 build 4193-C2

Living room, purchased a couple of years ago, not working:
Model: 4800X
Device ID: S02A20CHWVE6
SN: X01000GHWVE6
Version: 11.0.0 build 4193-C2

Roku Ultra (4800 series) 

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Roku Guru

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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I’m not following…you can’t get one to do the error?

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Binge Watcher

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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@JohnCap523 My bad. I was in a rush between meetings and didn't communicate clearly.

In the bedroom, something in my troubleshooting steps resolved one problem with this unit. All the steps I took are in earlier posts. I can pause in the bedroom for maybe an hour with power-saving off and the screensaver comes on. I can resume and the audio works fine. However, if I stay gone too long (maybe over an hour?) I get kicked out to the Roku home screen. This is probably an issue for another thread.

In the living room, none of my troubleshooting steps had any effect on anything. If I pause and the screensaver comes on, then resume, no audio. I hope this clarifies things a bit.

Binge Watcher

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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This morning, on the bedroom Roku Ultra, I used the fast-forward button to get through a commercial break and I overshot the end of the break. I jumped back 20 seconds and lost audio. <sigh> I'm stuck with the Ultra in the living room, but if there isn't a fix in the next couple of weeks for these audio issues, I'm returning the Ultra and getting a streaming stick instead. Please help Roku!

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Roku Guru

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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Hmm, that’s a new one and if it reoccurs I’ll really be upset because I religiously go past and then back one jump at ads; on many streaming channels doing that automatically takes you right to the correct second…

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Roku Guru

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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I just paused my Ultra 2020 and in another room I paused a 3820. Both are paused on a recording in YouTube TV. Gonna give them an hour and see what I get. 

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Roku Guru

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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I was unable to get either of them to lose audio…evidently it only happens if you’re in the middle of actually watching something…

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Binge Watcher

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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@JohnCap523 Thanks for the ongoing testing. If we can help them pinpoint the issue, maybe they will fix it more quickly. I actually haven't been able to reproduce the "overshoot, jump back" problem. It only happened that one time. Intermittent problems are the worst.

As an aside, I helped a friend cut the cord yesterday and when he asked which devices to buy for his TVs, I recommended the streaming stick. I can't recommend the Ultra to friends and customers right now. After this is fixed, I'll feel better about voicing my support.

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Roku Guru

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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I don’t usually recommend the Ultra for a few reasons, the least of which is most people don’t need anything more than a good stick.

I can tell you with 100% certainty engineering is working on the HDCP error issue. I don’t know if they’re looking at this issue…

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Binge Watcher

Re: Audio stops working after long pause

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I am glad that I found this thread. I thought I was the only one having this issue. My Ultra 2020 has been having this no sound issue for more than a month. I went round and round with Roku support and they finally sent me a new device even though I was just past the one year warranty point. The new device worked fine for a week and then the no sound issue happened again just now. 

It seems to be a YouTube TV issue to me. The problem always seems to occur when YouTube TV is paused. After this, I cannot get sound for any of my other apps (Pandora, Netflix, Amazon Music). As other people have mentioned, the Roku menu sounds still work and the startup sounds for individual apps still works. A reboot is the only thing that works. And, as others have mentioned, the user interface is really slow when the sound issue occurs. 

I tried everything so far: disabled the power saving mode, disabled the bandwidth saver, changed the HDMI cable, took my surround sound system out of the mix (now connected directly to the TV), restarted my cable modem, router and Roku Ultra. Nothing works. 

I just tried one more thing. My Roku Ultra is connected via ethernet to my router. I had a small switch in-between my router and my Roku Ultra.  I took the switch out of the mix and now connect directly from my router to the Roku Ultra. I doubt this will work but it is worth a try. 

I used to recommend the Roku Ultra to all my friends. It worked great for a year and now it is really a hassle. I am getting ready to rent my house out as a vacation rental and it will be a real pain to deal with this. And, all my guests will get to see how poorly this device works. 

Hey Roku... are you working on this? Is it time for all of us to switch to one of your competitor's devices?

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