I've seen some posts in the past that complain about Vimeo showcases and the lack of multiple categories in a JSON feed. I may have a way around that, but, I need some input from someone who has experience with the problem.
If you have Vimeo showcases and you are having trouble defining more than one category, please PM me so I can ask some questions.
I am not promising that I can resolve this problem. I won't know until I collect some info.
Isn't there anyone that can provide information on this issue?
Vimeo showcase will provide you with one category only. If you want more than one category you will have to hand code your JSON feed or use a tool like our OTTfeed platform to manage you JSON content feed works great with Vimeo and Roku Direct Publisher.
DM me for more info or go to https://ottfeed.com and request a demo.
@sattun Please read my original post. I'm not having problems with Vimeo. I'm looking for information from a user that is having problems with defining categories. I believe I may have a solution, but, I need to ask several questions of someone who is having problems with Vimeo.
The problem is that Vimeo will generate a feed from one showcase and all videos in that showcase will have the same tags which = genre (assigned for the showcase). So there is no way to segment the videos other than by hand coding the feed or using a third-party tool.
What would be your solution?
I won't know if my solution will work until I can get my hands on some sample feed files that were generated from a Vimeo showcase.
@Baradanikto here is a sample Vimeo showcase feed:
{ "providerName": "OTTfeed" , "lastUpdated": "2021-06-25T13:11:59-04:00" , "language": "en" , "shortFormVideos": [{ "id": "518189117" , "title": "OTTfeed: feed management system for Roku Direct Publisher and custom OTT apps" , "shortDescription": "OTTfeed: All-in-one feed management system for Roku Direct Publisher, Roku Channel and custom OTT apps. Request a demo at OTTfeed.com." , "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1073219831_800x450.png" , "releaseDate": "2021-03-01T10:58:50-05:00" , "genres": ["technology"] , "tags": ["technology"] , "content": { "dateAdded": "2021-06-25T13:10:04-04:00" , "duration": 87 , "videos": [{ "url": "https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/external\/518189117.hd.mp4?s=c4f4bacd00d236f7989c611257026ab3232355bf&profile_id=174" , "quality": "HD" , "videoType": "MP4" , "bitrate": 755832 }] } }, { "id": "516726184" , "title": "Problems with Roku Direct Publisher? Time to upgrade" , "shortDescription": "Upgrade to a custom Roku app & supercharge your content and ad revenue with a feature-rich and fully customizable app on a small-scale budget. Request a demo at OTTfeed.com." , "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1069956014_800x450.png" , "releaseDate": "2021-02-25T09:57:43-05:00" , "genres": ["technology"] , "tags": ["technology"] , "content": { "dateAdded": "2021-06-25T13:10:04-04:00" , "duration": 24 , "videos": [{ "url": "https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/external\/516726184.hd.mp4?s=3efaea584112ef42146b789ac37491c4d4562247&profile_id=175" , "quality": "FHD" , "videoType": "MP4" , "bitrate": 2061459 }] } }, { "id": "516722810" , "title": "Custom Roku App Sale $1,500" , "shortDescription": "Upgrade to a custom Roku app & supercharge your content and ad revenue with a feature-rich and fully customizable app on a small-scale budget. \n\nFor more info or to request a demo, go to https:\/\/OTTfeed.com\/roku" , "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1160990884_800x450.png" , "releaseDate": "2021-02-25T09:49:47-05:00" , "genres": ["technology"] , "tags": ["technology"] , "content": { "dateAdded": "2021-06-25T13:10:04-04:00" , "duration": 29 , "videos": [{ "url": "https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/external\/516722810.hd.mp4?s=f37cb92b479113f2d6a014726999f37633133576&profile_id=175" , "quality": "FHD" , "videoType": "MP4" , "bitrate": 1638506 }] } }, { "id": "537609090" , "title": "OTTfeed Custom Roku App Preview" , "shortDescription": "Take full control off your Roku channel, grow your audience and increase your ad revenue with our state of the art turn-key app with no coding or hidden cost" , "thumbnail": "https:\/\/i.vimeocdn.com\/video\/1112879014_800x450.png" , "releaseDate": "2021-04-16T03:49:11-04:00" , "genres": ["technology"] , "tags": ["technology"] , "content": { "dateAdded": "2021-06-25T13:10:04-04:00" , "duration": 130 , "videos": [{ "url": "https:\/\/player.vimeo.com\/external\/537609090.hd.mp4?s=0c43c99a41891cc6b243a1d6833eb6e0c9ea0902&profile_id=175" , "quality": "FHD" , "videoType": "MP4" , "bitrate": 1911926 }] } }] }
Thanks for the sample.
First question...There are no categories defined in the feed file. Do you know if they are defined in the Developer's portal? If not, I would not expect to see anything on the channel on the Roku device.
Second question...If this is a sample of output from a Vimeo showcase, can I assume that if I had another showcase, I'd receive an entirely different JSON feed file?
1. Thats correct, you defined categories or in this case category on the Roku developer portal.
2. Yup, JSON feed file per showcase only, so if you have 5 showcases on vimeo you will get 5 JSON feeds.
Hope this helps.
Your responses are what I expected. Given that, I believe that my solution would resolve the issue of multiple feed files from multiple Vimeo showcases. I'll make a copy of your sample thus giving me two feed files from two showcases. I'll then test my solution.