I have loaded my videos and the channel is public! I have had 3 people in a row tonight download the channel and they all have told me that they cannot see any videos on the channel. They see the search hand it does not work. They see the logo and splash screen but that is it... WHAT is the problem????
Well let me try to tell you like this.... My channel is PUBLIC and free in the channel store. I have put up a bunch of videos via direct publisher and I can see them. I send my friends to the channel and they cannot see a darn thing.... As I said, I am on direct publisher and the JSON is working perfectly....
What happens is simple... You go to the channel store and look up "laptop Lifestyle Dig Marketing" and you will see the channel. The images there are NOT the ones that should be there, but that is another issue I need help with. You can install the channel. When you go to watch the channel, there is NO content videos on it.
I am at a loss here to figure this issue. I am using Smart TV plugin and my videos are hosted on AWS. As I said, the JSON is fine... I can watch the videos on my TV. My partner can watch them on his TV... But that is it!
I sure hope this is enough info that you can give me a little advice how to fix it... As I said, I have been approved and the channel is public and free....
https://my.roku.com/add/XC6CJK this is a direct link to the channel if you can help me....
PS-- I see the videos just perfectly on my Roku... So they are in a supported format. It is ONLY others that cannot see them
Before you pull your hair out, be advised there's a few other threads where channels aren't being updated & I believe some similar to yours of only seeing a search bar. If you read thru a few maybe they are experienced similar, related issues. If so the final post in the below thread they reached out to Roku & there is a bug going on (with updating, at least). TBH, I believe it's related to this & I would advise waiting it out until its resolved (days, week+) and retry. Unfortunately Roku lacks in communication with us & this board but maybe one of us can post when its fixed.
I'll try adding it tonight & post results of what I'm seeing.
For your reading pleasure, please have a look at this post. It contains a response from Roku Partner Success that details a "large scale firmware bug" that may be affecting you and others with strange symptoms.
Seems to work on both a Roku TV & Express device. Both thumbnails & video play. Maybe have them remove then add the channel or check again. Possibly if they are on very old devices (Roku 1, 2010ish) then DP channels do not play on them very well.