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Recommendation for AdBreak

For those who have experiences, what do you recommend on # of adBreak for 90 minutes long video? Thanks
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Roku Guru

Re: Recommendation for AdBreak

I use one pre-roll at 00:00 and one ad break every 10 minutes.
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Re: Recommendation for AdBreak

Hi A thought for pre-roll ad it was built in. So are we still need to specify 00:00:00 in our JSON code for adbreak?
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Roku Guru

Re: Recommendation for AdBreak

"CsR" wrote:
Hi A thought for pre-roll ad it was built in. So are we still need to specify 00:00:00 in our JSON code for adbreak?

If you don't have any mid-rolls, DP will just push the pre-roll automatically.  If you do use mid-rolls you need to specify the pre-roll as mentioned above.
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