I am really having a difficult time converting my content to a JSON Feed. I have used the sample content from "https://api.myjson.com/bins/3sa1g" and just inserted one of my content videos, I have verified it with the JSON validator, but when I add it as my feed url and check my Feed URL status, it is giving me a ton of errors. Here is my JSON feed -
http://hproku.s3.amazonaws.com/JSON/single-movie.json. Could someone please check this and let me know why it is giving me all these errors?
{"providerName":"Hope Point Church","language":"en-US","lastUpdated":"2017-02-07T22:21:37+00:00",
"movies":[{"id":"20170205","title":"This is All that Matters","content":{"dateAdded":"2017-02-07T22:21:37+00:00",
"shortDescription":"All that matters is faith expressed through our love."}}]}
- 02/08/2017 02:49PM
No valid items were found in the feed
- 1 item has an error: Required content dateAdded missing or invalid.
- 1 item has an error: Required movie genres is missing or invalid.
- 1 item has an error: Required movie thumbnail is missing.
- 1 item has an error: Required movie shortDescription is missing.
- 1 item has an error: Required movie release date is missing or invalid.