Lets say i want to have category with playlist of tags, so that when i choose tag it redirects me to playlist of movies/series matching this tag.
as i can see in API docs that is not possible(i can only add tag as a main category), mb there is some other way to do it?
The only "nested" structure in the JSON schema is the concept of a Series with Seasons/Episodes. If the JSON Schema document does not support it, it's not possible.
I'm a bit confused about what you're asking. DP does support playlists (of content IDs). Can you provide an example of what you're trying to accomplish?
{"name":"All Topics","playlistName":"all_topics","order":"manual"},
{"name":"Topic 1","playlistName":"topic_1","order":"manual"},
{"name":"Topic 2","playlistName":"topic_2","order":"manual"},
{"name":"Topic 3","playlistName":"topic_3","order":"manual"},
"playlists": [
{ "name": "all_topics", "itemIds": [ "topic_1", "topic_2", "topic_3" ] }],
{ "name": "topic_1", "itemIds": [ "topic_1_series_id", "topic_1_movie_id", ... ] }],
{ "name": "topic_2", "itemIds": [ "topic_2_series_id", "topic_2_movie_id", ... ] }],
{ "name": "topic_3", "itemIds": [ "topic_3_series_id", "topic_3_movie_id", ... ] }],
i am trying to achieve something similar to example above, when playlist "all_topics" contains other playlists as items/piece of content
The only "nested" structure in the JSON schema is the concept of a Series with Seasons/Episodes. If the JSON Schema document does not support it, it's not possible.
I've tried several time but get errors when I try saving the Json Feed file created from the sample.