Hello, we have out streaming through boxcast, but there is some issue on Roku with out live TV direct publisher link from Boxcast where the content on the Roku channel is several hours behind always.
On boxcast directly it is up-to-date/time and if we watch via the Boxcast app on Roku it is up-to-date/time as well, but if we try to use the Boxcast direct publisher link for our own LIVE TV channel on Roku the feed is always hours behind.
Anyone. have any advice on this?
So there is no way around this 4 times a day thing? No way to ensure it is current, so that even if a show is currently playing it will play in real time with the feed?
According to this you schedule the live streams with validityPeriodStart and validityPeriodEnd - https://partnersuccess.roku.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016146114-How-can-I-schedule-live-content-to-ap...
What I do is serve up a blank m3u file using a redirect. Roku sees it and thinks the link is valid so it lets it display.
Then when I go live I redirect from the blank m3u to the live one and it instantly switches over. So Roku is basically always getting the same url to look at and it will see the blank version or the current live version.
Being forced to run content constantly so Roku thinks the link is valid is one of the dumbest things about the Roku platform.
What does this blank file look like?