The regScreen example for some reason shows to add buttons but i cant get them to do anything.
here is some code i tried....
Function displayRegistrationScreen() As Object
regsite = "go to " + m.UrlWebsite
' regscreen.SetMessagePort(CreateObject("roMessagePort"))
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
regscreen = CreateObject("roCodeRegistrationScreen")
regscreen.AddParagraph("Please link your Roku player to your account by visiting")
regscreen.AddFocalText(" ", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("From your computer,", "")
regscreen.AddFocalText(regsite, "spacing-dense")
regscreen.AddFocalText("and enter this code to activate:", "spacing-dense")
regscreen.SetRegistrationCode("retrieving code...")
regscreen.AddParagraph("This screen will automatically update as soon as your activation completes")
regscreen.AddButton(1, "Get a new code")
regscreen.AddButton(2, "Back")
'return regscreen
while true
msg = wait(0, regscreen.GetMessagePort())
if msg.isButtonPressed() then
if msg.GetIndex() = 1
print "new code pushed"
return regscreen
exit while
if msg.GetIndex() = 2
print "exit pushed"
exit while
end if
end while
End Function
it seems the issue is once "
return regscreen" gets called it makes the buttons useless, you can click them but they wont do anything.
and of course until you click on the "
get a new code" button it will just sit at "
retrieving code..."
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