"hugetv" wrote:
jsonAsString = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
jsonAsString.SetURL("http://"+initConfig()+"/RokuDev/season.php?cve=10&Series=season 1")
json = ParseJson(jsonAsString.GetToString())
return json.Capitulos
Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface reference. (runtime error &hec) in pkg:/source/Series/PosterScreen.brs(53)
this error spache for season 1
For debugging purposes, you could break up your code into steps and verify each step.
jsonAsString = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
jsonAsString.SetURL("http://"+initConfig()+"/RokuDev/season.php?cve=10&Series=season 1")
data = jsonAsString.GetToString()
print "Data: "; data
' did the data download succeed? if not, and it is empty or not JSON, ParseJSON is going to fail...
json = ParseJson(data)
print "JSON: "; json
' did the JSON parse successfully and return an object, or is it invalid?
' and does if have a Capitulos field as expected?
return json.Capitulos