"MazeWizzard" wrote:
...Also, the more common one I was looking for was to have a "fire/jump" button that could be pressed along with the movement. Alas, I would not want it to be "sticky" but rather timed.
Totally agree with you, but if you consider Super Mario Bro's, 3 button's not 2 is required: "Direction" for run, button "A" for run faster, and button "B" for jump.
Even though I'd like to be able to do it "that way" I think that "Direction + release" to run followed by the same "Direction + release" to run faster and then have the player "time" the jump would work. It'd just be different than what everybody is used to.
That said, I think the "work around" for diagonal movement is more limiting... unless, yet again, our user base would be interested in playing Contra with only one button pressed at a time? Direction PRESSED & RELEASED to run and aim gun in same direction followed by "Up" to rotate gun up 45 degrees?? sorta gets that "diagonal movement" ?? then fire & jump buttons would be timed? along with, what?, opposite direction to stop? and same direction to either speed up and/or rotate gun back down?
Other than that, good thoughts about supporting older Roku boxes.
I think I'll search the forums and possibly start a new thread on how to release a game and be able to update it... and how to get (positive) feedback.