The app "Chaneru" starts up and tries to get the USB drive /volume information.
This also occurs if the drive is removed and pluged back in.
This time is on a legacy. A Roku3 is faster but still a long delay
It appears that the "GetVolumeInfo()" is causing the delay.
Here is the code:
v =
Dump_Obj(v,"Disk Volumes") <---- 14:55:57.201 * Disk Volumes roList
for i=0 to v.Count() -1
if instr(1,v[i],"ext") > 0
m.USB_Drives = m.USB_Drives + 1
drv = v[i]+"/"
r =
name = r.label
if name = invalid or Len(name) < 1
name = "Unlabeled"
end if
Logit(["USB ",drv," Volume ",name]) <---- 14:57:24.972 USB ext1:/ Volume MOVIES