"dynamitemedia" wrote:
Honestly i am happy with how it is... works great for me, once i figure out which keys go where.
can you tell me how you were able to get the keys working as you did? without a roku? I will play with it some more.
If i was gonna load up a webserver i would just use the other remote that comes on the desktop already. which i love too
But I want to sit on my couch to use this.
have you been able to get it to load? it is because i opened up port 8080 to my Roku Box.
can Patrick or anyone else tell us if its possible for any sort of damage to having this open to our boxes?
I'm not Roku but from my experience there's no way you could Damage your Roku unless you send some funny TELNET command to it.
I can't try this currently do to other things going on so can someone post some Screen Shots of what it looks like so I can see if it'll work with certain devices? I'd like to try it out on an old DS I have and the DS Opera Browser I also have. It can't do Flash or anything like that but I can Log-In to Forums and my E-mail no problem with it and it'd make a Great Wireless Remote if this will work with it. It should be fine as long as this doesn't involve any complex JavaScript. I've got my Roku Back-Fed into my house RF Cables so I can turn on Channel 4 in any room and watch my Roku but it's inconvenient to have to walk all the way to my TV room just to start the Next Episode of the Show I'm watching while working on something in another room(Like Dinner) so if it works it would be great.
One more thing. You might want to post a How-To for People that don't have experience setting up things like this. I can think of several People that have Devices with web browsers but would never figure this out on their own.
And... One More Thing

If you want to get this working Remotely(For whatever Reason, Maybe watch Netflix at Work ;)) you can use a DDNS service like
DynDNS.com to create a Free Domain to track your IP. After you've got your account make sure you install a DDNS program on your computer if your Router doesn't have the Ability built-in so your IP is kept Up-to-Date. Just go to
http://www.dyndns.com/support/clients/ to find out how. After that make sure to forward your Ports and you should be ready to go. For added security you can Activate "DMZ Hosting" on your Router/Modem if it supports it. For info on what that is go to
I don't claim to be Undeniably Right. Most of my answers are based off of Pure fact, but Some are the Personal Opinions of Myself. Please take them in stride and don't Flame me if I get Something wrong.