Hi there,
I'm in the process of rewriting my app to utilise the Scene Graph framework and it's going quite well, but I've encountered and issue today that I can't figure out a way around!
I'm using a RowList to display 21 rows with columns varying from 50 items to 4000, this was fine in the old roGridScreen as I'd just load 10 items from each row and set the others to invalid, then when I got near those items I'd load the information and replace the item. Trying to use the same principal with the RowList is where I'm encountering an issue, every time I update a blank item it jumps straight back to the first item in the row, I've tried using jumpToRowItem but it does nothing in this case. Also when I update the node using SetFields all the items in the row flicker, if I update 10 at a time it'll flicker for each then jump back to the first item... Sort of ruins the aesthetic as well as not being functional! Am I doing something wrong here or can I use an alternative method for this?
Thanks all!