Let me just explain the idea. Maybe someone can help out.
There were two trains of thought going along:
1) Use a screensaver, to activate code functions based on system time. i.e. Deep Embed Code to send channel code to trigger the screensaver to escape out to the preselected channel at a given time. Like an alarm. Screensaver runs in while loop, once the time is reached, it sends out a channel change code. Now, if a specific "channel change" code exists, I don't know, but I imagine sending remote control commands along with text strings can trigger to the channel if it had to. Using the screensaver settings section, you set the channel, and the time.
2) Using a remote control overlay, during the screensaver settings, you assign channels to each of the buttons. Depending on how the screensaver exits, the button pressed that is sent would allow you to automatically change to that channel directly from the screensaver.