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Newline in Label Node


Really sorry for the basic question, but I've searched and can't find the answer. Does anyone know how to add new lines to the Label component. E.g.

              id = "bodyLabel" 
              width = "1000"
              height = "1000"
              text = "test  \n new line" 
              wrap = "true"
              horizAlign = "left" />        

I know in code it would be Chr(10) but don't know how to add this direct to strings in XML.


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Re: Newline in Label Node

I've found the solution, kinda obvious when you know how. For other users it's



              id = "bodyLabel" 
              width = "1000"
              height = "1000"
              text = "test  &#10; new line" 
              wrap = "true"
              horizAlign = "left" />    
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Roku Guru

Re: Newline in Label Node

Thanks for sharing!
I would have thought it's as simple as literally embedding the new line:
     <Label text = "test  
new line" 
              wrap = "true"
              horizAlign = "left" />

But no - not with XML. It's true that you can include new lines in attribute values. But what's also true apparently is that there is mandate to normalize[/url:j69i4sxg] these, in which new lines and tabs would get converted to spaces...

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Roku Guru

Re: Newline in Label Node

The same way. In label, both ways I tried to like below. 

  1. &#10;
  2. Chr(10)

But, Doesn't work for me. Is there any other option for this. I used the current version (9.3.0) and Cooper devices.

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