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My roVideoplayer is not playing

My...rovideoplayer is not playing after adding id to the media source name, i am not sure why?

url ""
before adding id it was working fine

please find the code for your reference.?
p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")

bitrates = [0] ' 0 = no dots, adaptive bitrate
bitrates = [348] ' <500 Kbps = 1 dot
bitrates = [664] ' <800 Kbps = 2 dots
bitrates = [996] ' <1.1Mbps = 3 dots
bitrates = [2048] ' >=1.1Mbps = 4 dots
bitrates = [0]
' print "bitrates" + bitrates

'Swap the commented values below to play different video clips...
urls = [""]
qualities = ["HD"]
StreamFormat = "mp4"
title = "Craig Venter Synthetic Life"
srt = "file://pkg:/source/"
print urls

'urls = [""]
'qualities = ["HD"]
'StreamFormat = "mp4"
'title = "Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy?"

' Apple's HLS test stream
'urls = [""]
'qualities = ["SD"]
'streamformat = "hls"
'title = "Apple BipBop Test Stream"

' Big Buck Bunny test stream from Wowza
'urls = [""]
'qualities = ["SD"]
'streamformat = "hls"
'title = "Big Buck Bunny"

if type(args) = "roAssociativeArray"
if type(args.url) = "roString" and args.url <> "" then
urls[0] = args.url
end if
if type(args.StreamFormat) = "roString" and args.StreamFormat <> "" then
StreamFormat = args.StreamFormat
end if
if type(args.title) = "roString" and args.title <> "" then
title = args.title
title = ""
end if
if type( = "roString" and <> "" then
srt = args.StreamFormat
srt = ""
end if
end if

videoclip = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
videoclip.StreamBitrates = bitrates
videoclip.StreamUrls = urls
videoclip.StreamQualities = qualities
videoclip.StreamFormat = StreamFormat
videoclip.Title = title
print "srt = ";srt
if srt <> invalid and srt <> "" then
videoclip.SubtitleUrl = srt
end if


lastSavedPos = 0
statusInterval = 10 'position must change by more than this number of seconds before saving

while true
msg = wait(0, video.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed() then 'ScreenClosed event
print "Closing video screen"
exit while
else if msg.isPlaybackPosition() then
nowpos = msg.GetIndex()
print "Hello" + nowpos
if nowpos > 10000
if abs(nowpos - lastSavedPos) > statusInterval
lastSavedPos = nowpos
end if
end if
if nowpos < 10000
if abs(nowpos - lastSavedPos) > statusInterval
lastSavedPos = nowpos
end if
end if
if nowpos > 0
if abs(nowpos - lastSavedPos) > statusInterval
lastSavedPos = nowpos
end if
end if
else if msg.isRequestFailed()
print msg.isRequestFailed()
print "play failed: "; msg.GetMessage()
print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
end if
end while
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: My roVideoplayer is not playing

Try setting the StreamFormat to "ism".
And this won't play on Roku 1's - only 2's and 3's.
0 Kudos

Re: My roVideoplayer is not playing

I tried "ism", but it is not working....and i am also using roku 2
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