"el.wubo" wrote:
I've never tried (I don't use windows.) Anyone else?
"dellsweig" wrote:"el.wubo" wrote:
I've never tried (I don't use windows.) Anyone else?
I was able to get mymedia runnig as a windows service.
It is a bit convoluted as services cannot normally run interpreter based programs (bat, perl, python, etc)
You need to download a launcher called srvany.exe from Microsoft
Once this is done you would create the MyMedia service as follows
1) open a DOS command window as administrator
2) install the srvany.exe program somewhere - I installed it in C:\systools
3) from the DOS prompt
C:>sc create MyMedia binPath= "C:\systools\srvany.exe" start= auto DisplayName= "MyMedia"
4) start regedit and navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MyMedia
5) Right Click on MyMedia in the nav panel and add new key. Name the key "Parameters"
6) open Parameters and right click - add new string value called "Application" and put the value of the full path to the mymedia.bat file. Note - when you install mymedia - dont use the default name when you extract it - that name changes with every release - use something like c:\MyMedia
7) edit the mymedia.bat file in the mymedia install directory to include full paths - here is what mine looks like now
rem Contributed by umbighouse
rem copyright 2010
cd c:\Users\Dan\MyMedia\server
c:\python26\python.exe c:\Users\Dan\MyMedia\server\mymedia.py
8-) now start the service - run -> services.msc - start the MyMedia service.
If all goes well - you should be able to run the config web page
"dellsweig" wrote:
New issue.....
I have two Roku boxes.
When I registered the first - I added the code to the regid line in the config.ini file on my server. This worked fine.
Now I want to run mymedia app on the second Roku box - when launched it gives a new code... Can I add a second regid line to the config or a second code to the existing config entry?
Is it even possible to use two Roku boxes with the app??
"cdndave" wrote:"dellsweig" wrote:
New issue.....
I have two Roku boxes.
When I registered the first - I added the code to the regid line in the config.ini file on my server. This worked fine.
Now I want to run mymedia app on the second Roku box - when launched it gives a new code... Can I add a second regid line to the config or a second code to the existing config entry?
Is it even possible to use two Roku boxes with the app??
I had the same issue this weekend. I entered the code of my 2nd (new) box, got that one working, but the 1st (older) roku stopped working...
A reboot of the older roku, a bit of a wait and everything works great now.
Can't say if it was the wait or the reboot that did the magic.
Hope that helps
"dellsweig" wrote:
Ok - finally have both boxes working GREAT with MyMedia... I have the Windows app running as a service on my PC - awsome...
"dellsweig" wrote:
Today I tried to play some iPhone videos saved in my Video path.
First, they play GREAT - excellent quality and sound.
Second - and more important question. Some of the phone videos are 90 or 180 degrees rotated. With still photos I can easily fix this. How does one fix this with Videos??
"dellsweig" wrote:
Finally - ElWubo - How about building something that lets me play my videos/photos/music directly from my iPhone ala AirPlay? Are extensions possible to the python server to allow this??
"Redflea" wrote:
I hope this isn't interpreted as heresy on this thread (;-)) but I'm wondering what the key differences are between this channel and Roksbox.
Has anyone tried both, and can you give a comparison of key differences in features/performance (e.g., loading/response speed)?