Beginning of 2015, a new/replacement portal for Roku developers was introduced:
http://developer.roku.comIt was riddled with problems, some of which logged at
viewtopic.php?f=34&t=86068Fast-forward 6mo later, i haven't dealt with channel properties for a while but today went to create a new one. I haven't heard complaints lately, so i figured must be working now and went there. Nuh-uh. It still seems unusable and - i'll go on a limb here but - untested.
Here is an example, i am creating a free channel and eventually reach this "Channel Pricing" screen which is - how shall i put it -
very skeptical about wanting to make it free:

"Free? No-no-no, we don't want your kind. It has to be either paid, subscription or in-app purchase. Choose one or you shall not pass."
Umm, WAT? I balked. Later i tried to go back to the Pricing screen to take a snapshot. Ha, guess what? "Pricing" is not in the menu:

After some poking around, It's kind of reachable but only through clicking "Save" from one of the other screens. From which one, It's anybody's guess.
[spoiler=a clue, old site:39kukqok]

So what's the word?
Is the new-site-nobody-asked-about abandoned?
Is the one to use?