Absolutely - I want to be able to be on a keyword, and press a button and go straight to the implementation
For example, with the hacks I made to the eclipse plugin I can with one hotkey/mouseclick
Go to function definitio
go to field definition
go straight to onclick handler
go to tag that declares id="mytag"
go to the source file of an xml tag
go to the source file of a node
some others I don't remember now. It makes it trivial to constantly peer inside code. I've been coding for 34 years or, so, and for me, at least, I know 100% the difference in productivity one get's from instant code-navigaiton vs having to constantly play keyboard/mouse tennis to jump around the place. Horses for courses, etc; but without these features, it's simply not worth it - I can remember the APIS and type the words very quickly - there's no competition between one key code navigation and default IDE lookup functions, and the latter has a set minimum speed/mental cost, which can never be reduced.
George Cook
Roku developers slack group (https://join.slack.com/t/rokudevelopers/shared_invite/zt-4vw7rg6v-NH46oY7hTktpRIBM_zGvwA) : georgejecook
Contact me on roku developer slack group, or via pm to discuss consultancy/work opportunities/rooibos unit testing framework