Hello, I've been able to use videos uploaded to my personal website AND IT WORKED! but how can I use YouTube videos on my roku channnel? Also how do I use live Youtube videos as well?
For Example I want to use this video URL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0DPdy98e4c how could I do that in my Roku Channel?
Here is some of my code WHICH HAS WORKED for mp4 videos uploaded to my personal website.
<item sdImg="I put my image sd url here -- no problem" hdImg="I put my hd mage url here -- no problem">
<title>My Title </title>
<streamFormat> have tried "mp4" "hls" "mkv" "ism" etc...</streamFormat>
<streamUrl> tried to use a youtube url here and video doesnt play once app is developed</streamUrl>
<synopsis>Some random synopsis to put here</synopsis>