"bwschulz" wrote:
Hello, yes, I have found that also to be true that AWS S3 has served us reliably too - though Direct Publisher conversion shut down our Grande Projecte, pray thee only temporarily so that reliability of service hasn't been tested yet at Roku. So check this out - What I thought was interesting to note, after reading many posts about trouble with reading the JSON config files or retrieving content or getting brand assets, or rather failing to do all those tasks -- that right here, in this forum, for my posting profile, I found the "offsite Avatar option" in account settings which I tried to link to a well before posted image of your truly discouraged author, and that fetch failed in error from S3. I am sure it is an easy explanation to work around the problem but I find it an unfortunate timing that the Roku forum account profile photo replace feature failed to retrieve a simple 146x146pxl jpg from my open non locked down non intensive permissions guarded plain old image file bucket at S3 - so my avatar image remains poignantly empty.. the schulz
"brentonhouse" wrote:
I understand that you can use Vimeo (and possibly YouTube) for hosting videos on Roku, but I don't know the endpoints that you would use for either of these hosts.
Does anyone else here use Vimeo to host a video for a Roku Channel and if so, what endpoints are you using?
"stubbstarbuck" wrote:"brentonhouse" wrote:
I understand that you can use Vimeo (and possibly YouTube) for hosting videos on Roku, but I don't know the endpoints that you would use for either of these hosts.
Does anyone else here use Vimeo to host a video for a Roku Channel and if so, what endpoints are you using?
Vimeo Pro provides an HLS link that works very well. We've been using that for a few months without a hitch. It's very easy to integrate.
Here's working code for you for an episode object."id": "someuniqueidentifier",
"title": "The title of the video",
"content": {
"dateAdded": "2017-04-15T22:21:37+00:05",
"videos": [
"url": "https://player.vimeo.com/external/alongstringofcharacters",
"quality": "HD",
"videoType": "HLS"
"duration": 3016
"thumbnail": "https://domain.com/image.jpg",
"episodeNumber": 2,
"shortDescription": "Basically the title. About this length to display well.",
"releaseDate": "2017-04-15T22:21:37+00:05"