I've noticed that when I check the Type of a variable, it's case sensitive (at least for String/roString). Example:
IF Type(id) = "String" OR Type(id) = "roString" ' Could be either one, depending on custom id or not. ' Otherwise id must be a dummy temp blocker while a diff Mon is moving toward sq
moveMon(TRUE, sy.mr[id], y, x, y2, x2, r2, rm, aa, sy, mAA, cAA) ' Sends tele as TRUE, Mon as sy.mr[id]
ELSE ? "moveAllMon(): At y" y ", x" x ", rm" rm ", trying to be moved: " Type(id) ' It's unlikely a teleCheck() occurs for sq Mon is stepping to, but could happen if tele just turned on
If I don't capitalize the S in String and roString, it will miss it and think it doesn't match!
I haven't noticed whether this is also true for Integer/roInteger, Array, etc