I have an app written and its communicating with a server hosted in godaddy . if I have only one roku player, it just works fine, however if I were to turn on my app from 2nd roku box from same network while 1st playing, 2nd one hangs. i was able to narrow down where is the trouble some point but dont know why its hanging here. any help would be much appreciated.
I have a very simple code like this to download an image ..
print "1st check point.."
imageurl ="http://www.myserver.net/<someurl>/getimage.php?random="+rnd(20000).tostr()
print "imagurl=" + imageurl
print "2nd check point.."
print "3rd check point..".
it get hangs on xfer.GetToFile("tmp:/livead.png") . if I shutdown my 1st roku, then this one start to works. my getimage.php is very simple, its just outputting an jpeg image .
Note. if i were to access from my computer browser (another lan ip) while 1st roku playing, that works fine. its just the roku player not able to get it.
Does any one have any suggestion why its doing it and how can i get around this issue?
thanks for your time.