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Streaming Star

Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

For Christmas, we bought a 60" Samsung 4KHD TV and a Polk Soundbar and replaced our old Roku Express with a new Roku Ultra. We prefer the interface of the Roku as well as some of the other options offered rather than the front that Samsung has, plus husband is a creature of habit. 🙂  The Roku has been working great, the remote works both the TV and soundbar with no problems except that the volume when using the Roku goes up and down by itself. We don't have that problem if we watch through the TV, still utilizing the same soundbar. Has anyone else run into this? I've tried all of the audio settings on the Roku but it's still happening. We'd love to stay with the Roku so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Retired Moderator

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself


Thanks for the post. I'm sorry to hear about the experience—that's not what we aim for.

If you remove the batteries from the Roku device remote, are you still seeing the same issue occur?

Please keep us posted what you find out and we will be able to assist you further.


Danny R.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

Thank you, doesn't make any difference. This isn't the first time we've had the problem and not the first unit. We had this problem with our old Express as well. Will keep trying other things. Thank you.

0 Kudos
Retired Moderator

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself


Thanks for the follow up.

We would be more than happy to look further into this issue, but will need more details. Can you please provide us the following information:

  • Roku device model, serial number, device ID, and software OS/version (these can all be found in Settings > System > About)
  • does this issue occur on a specific channel? if so, what channel and what version/build is the channel (this can be found be selecting the channel on the Home screen and pressing the * button)
  • tracker ID when this issue occurs (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times and provide us with this ID)
  • steps to reproduce the issue you are seeing 

Once we have this information, we will be able to pass it along to the appropriate Roku team to investigate further.


Danny R.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

Thank you for your reply. We had a tragedy in our family and I've just been able to get back to you now. Here is the Roku information:

Model 4802X - Roku Ultra
Serial Number X01000M1W0Y
Software Ver 11.5.0 - Build 4312-C2
Device ID S0DA225M1W0Y

This is on a Samsung TV, but it was also happening on our LG prior to this. It happens on most of the streaming services we use but it most prominent on YouTubeTV and frankly, it's horrible. Since we go back and forth between YouTubeTV and Philo, where it also happens but to a lesser extent, and does NOT happen using the Samsung interface, it has to be the Roku. I'm watching the Comet channel on YouTubeTV right now and the volume level is going up and down, up and down. There are times when I'll tune to a channel and the volume sounds like it's coming from a tin can with a lid on it. Other times, I'll try to turn the volume up a notch and the volume increases to the top limit by itself.  We had similar problems with the previous Roku Express that we replaced with this Ultra and we'd hoped it was just a bad unit, but I'm thinking it must be the latest update because we didn't have any problems like this prior to the latest update coming through. This is really unacceptable frankly and after being Roku users for many years, we're considering a different streaming stick at this point. 

Our Roku TVs do not have this problem by the way.


Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

Same issue. No settings on the volume leveling options help. Just randomly starts getting quiet, change a channel or service, and it "resets" for awhile.

Streaming Star

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

I received an email asking for this same information and sent it over two weeks ago now and have heard nothing. I'm guessing either you can't replicate the problem or can but haven't a clue as to what's happening. I would appreciate if someone could reach out to me, either by email or here to let me know. Thank you.


Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

Any update on this or keep asking for details about TV type and model? This is really annoying…

0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

No update for me, I got an email as well as what I posted here and since then, crickets. I sent all the info back on the email and nothing. And it's still going on. I'm thinking of trying a Firestick at this point to see if the problem happens with that. I thought at first that maybe it was the sound bar, but this one is new and a different brand and it happened with the old one as well so I can't imagine it's got anything to do with my setup. It has to be the Roku. Pretty lousy customer service to just drop everything in the middle of trying to figure things out, but typical though. Seems to be the norm when you need help with anything anymore. 

I'll come back with a solution if one is found, but I'm not holding my breath at this point. I think Roku wants to blame it on one or two channels but it's happening across all channels on all streaming services so I'm not going to do that portion of the instruction where they ask for a channel ID. I'd be sitting here for days doing that and I tried to tell them that. It's just a PITA.

Channel Surfer

Re: Roku Ultra volume goes up and down by itself

Roku Ultra raises or lowers volume on its own. I have an older Roku and swapped it with the Ultra -the problem follows the Ultra. I blamed it on Samsung and returned a perfectly good TV to the store (and bought one at twice the price). I had Xfinity on the phone for four hours (total). I've hard-wired it to eliminate wi-fi issues. I waited on hold at Roku, finally hung up. Still no idea how to fix the problem, but I'm pretty sure I've found the culprit. Roku.

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