The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
The message you are trying to access is permanently deleted.
I also have this issue with a new device. What is Roku's solution for this?
This might fix your problem but not guaranteed...
Follow these steps: Go to...
Settings, Remotes & Devices, Remotes, Set up a new device, OK, Continue
Now open the battery panel on your remote and hold down the round button just underneath where the batteries are. Hold it until the remote starts flashing green, this will pair your remote to your TV again. These steps fixed my problem of Roku freezing when headphones plugged into the remote.
It's a brand new ultra with rechargeable remote, so no batteries/battery door.
Where is Roku tech support on this? Sort of unbelievable they let something like this hang out there and apparently do not care about this. I mean, it make the earbuds and the remote and the box itself unusable, as it ALL freezes up, has to be unplugged from power, rebooted. Must have done it 10 times (more) in the 1st hour and a half of use.
Sounds like you should request a refund.
Thanks for the post.
Can you please provide the serial number of your Roku device from Settings>System>About? I'll be able to assist you further from there.
The solution that worked for me is to open the Roku Remote app on your phone. Plug your headphones into the phone and get sound through the app. THEN go back to your actual Roku remote and the problem will be fixed. Until it happens again.
Tried all of the recommended fixes; none worked.
@walters wrote:Tried all of the recommended fixes; none worked.
Roku needs to figure this bug out. It's unacceptable.