Thanks for the post.
I have responded to the PM that you sent me and will continue to assist you from there.
Hi My wireless receiver stopped working. I get missing advanced wireless receiver screen. My remote is also not able to connect to get the serial number as specified. Is there a way to solve this issue.
My receiver SN C1391f968373 and I get purple screen missing advanced wireless receiver. Please let me know how to fix
Thanks for the post.
I have passed along your information to our Support team. They will follow up and assist you.
Thank you will wait for the reply
Hi @RokuDanny-R i have not heard anything from the team yet.
Thanks for the follow up.
I have passed along your concerns to our Support team. They will reach out and assist you.
Have this issue. Please help
Hey @Tika49
I hope you're doing well.
Could you tell us more about your concern? Please reply here with the device serial number so we can help you out. It can be found at the back or underneath the player itself.
With more information, we will be able to assist you further.
All the best,
Thank you for the new wireless receiver which solved the issue