My device had recently updated to 12.5.0 Build 4172-E6 on 10-6-23.
The other day on startup I received a message that device was completing an upgrade. Checking it was still at 12.5.0 Build 4172-E6 but now on 10-14-23.
Do these builds take several days to install or are they changed without advancing the build #?
Did it really say "upgrade" or "update". There's plenty of things that could be updating without an upgrade to the so-called "OS". It's also apparent that there's items like the 4x4 vs 3x3 icons on the Home Screen that can be changed without any change in the version/build.
Not sure if upgrade or update, the date changed in the system area, but not the version or build.
Over the past couple months, the Icons have been randomly flipping from 3 columns, to 4, back to 3 then back again with no way to change it.