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Grouped TV Inputs are Not What I want.

Who thought this was a good idea?  Absolutely SUCKS.  Now takes additional input to get where you want to go.  At least give users the option to group or not.  Bad move Roku.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Grouped TV Inputs are Not What I want.

We appreciate you giving us your feedback at the Roku Community, @mwittl!

We hear you, and we'd be more than willing to raise your feedback with our team, as your satisfaction and convenience are what we aim for. Furthermore, may we know your current OS version? You can check it under Settings > System > System update > Check Now. Additionally, we would like to have a visual reference of your concern, so we humbly ask for a photo of it.

We'll be looking forward to your update, and we'll go from there. 

Kind regards,

Carly Y.
Roku Community Moderator
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Reel Rookie

Re: Grouped TV Inputs are Not What I want.

i agree, the option to group would have been better than being forced to group. they apparently don't have elderly parents that use there products. had them all set with how to toggle inputs and select what they wanted. after that update had to reteach them how to navigate the extra steps involved just to access the group inputs. hopefully enough people complain and they actually think ahead with any future updates and how it might effect people.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Grouped TV Inputs are Not What I want.

What has gone wrong with Roku? Do they have anybody who actually uses their product on their design team?

I have (had now) my computer as the first, then two streaming channels, then a bluray player, etc. Now I have to click an extra time continuously?

Roku, actually listen to your community and get rid of this stupidity!

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