Is it possible to use a USB dongle to connect my JBL wireless Bluetooth earbuds to the USB port on my 32-inch Onn Roku Smart TV?
Thanks for your response. I have found a way to accomplish it. Perhaps this information will be helpful to someone else. Surely I’m not alone in wanting to connect my Bluetooth earbuds or headphones. The first step is pairing your earbuds or headphones to your phone. Then install the Roku app on that phone. In the app, on the home page, select “Remote” at the bottom. Following that, tap the HEADPHONES icon that’s on the Remote page. Ka-boom! You’re rocking and rolling! I am astonished that such simple, common, and easily accessible knowledge is not more broadly known and shared among people. What’s your endgame? Is it your intention to encourage consumers to purchase a greater quantity of the merchandise bearing your brand’s logo?
Sorry, no. The USB port is only for connecting storage devices for media playback or to pause live/antenna TV.
Thanks for your response. I have found a way to accomplish it. Perhaps this information will be helpful to someone else. Surely I’m not alone in wanting to connect my Bluetooth earbuds or headphones. The first step is pairing your earbuds or headphones to your phone. Then install the Roku app on that phone. In the app, on the home page, select “Remote” at the bottom. Following that, tap the HEADPHONES icon that’s on the Remote page. Ka-boom! You’re rocking and rolling! I am astonished that such simple, common, and easily accessible knowledge is not more broadly known and shared among people. What’s your endgame? Is it your intention to encourage consumers to purchase a greater quantity of the merchandise bearing your brand’s logo?
@Minisoda, that "solution" has been posted numerous times here. That wasn't your question.
Yes, you are correct. Although you addressed my inquiry about the USB dongle, you unfortunately failed to provide a solution to the underlying problem I was trying to solve with it. Given your expertise and self-proclaimed title as a Community Streaming "Expert," I would expect a proposed solution to my current predicament. As a "Newbie" to this discussion forum, I hadn't encountered the "numerous" previously posted "solutions". I performed an exhaustive search of the post's content before submitting my question, but I was unable to locate a solution to my problem.
@Minisoda That's a bit harsh isn't it, especially when someone was trying to help you. An expert in something is not an expert in everything.
@JWS9518 wrote:@Minisoda That's a bit harsh isn't it, especially when someone was trying to help you. An expert in something is not an expert in everything.
.. especially in mind reading.