Moved my 43"ONN Roku tv to my bedroom and hooked it up via cable from Dish 722 reicever. I have no satillite icon I have when it was in the living room. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the response, @irishman1952
Let's troubleshoot this and resolve the issue. As a start, kindly perform a system restart on your Roku TV. To do this, kindly navigate to Settings > System > Power (skip if no sub-menu) > System Restart. After this, kindly check if you're able to notice any difference.
Keep us posted on what you find out.
All the best,
Hi @irishman1952,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We appreciate you reaching out about this, and we'd like to learn more to be of assistance here.
When you say "no satellite icon," is this the icon you see on your home screen? If so, try to navigate to your TV Settings>>TV Inputs and see if you are able to add the icon back.
Or tell us more about this so that we can further assist you.
i have tried sat icon but on the home screen i have live tv hulu and netflix
Thanks for the response, @irishman1952
Let's troubleshoot this and resolve the issue. As a start, kindly perform a system restart on your Roku TV. To do this, kindly navigate to Settings > System > Power (skip if no sub-menu) > System Restart. After this, kindly check if you're able to notice any difference.
Keep us posted on what you find out.
All the best,
I deleted live tv how do i add satilite tv. It says rename remove hdmi mode.
I did the restart.
Hi @irishman1952,
Thank you for posting here in the Roku Community!
We will be more than delighted to assist you further. Please ensure that all the cables on your satellite dish are properly attached and firmly plugged in. Once you have secured the cables to your dish, you may need to make sure that your dish satellite is on.
Let us know how it works.
All the best,
Ny new tv has the dish on.
I have the dish hooked up via cable input.
Hi @irishman1952,
Thank you for keeping us updated here in the Roku Community!
We understand you're having a problem with the missing icon on your Roku TV. We're happy to assist you further. Please try to unplug the Roku TV, including the dish, for 1 to 2 minutes and re-plug them back again.
We hope this helps.
Kind regards,