New update is causing local channels to disappear on roku tv guide. I have rescanned and the scanned channels are not going into memory and updating live tv guide. Im have tried several different ways to save but no luck.. I have a tcl roku tv. My scan of local tv channels is a success but does not transfer to tv guide.
Problem solved. Something has changed on tv guide local channels. Under channel options and favorite options, when you hit asterisk go into channel line up and read the header to see if you need to mark or unmark channels . choose the appropriate one and the channels will come back.
It is confusing. Took me a while to figure out had to read all words that pop up carefully. Hard to write out a way to proceed. Re Scan your local channels if they are not showing up. on tv guide.. Follow these steps . Can also follow if your local channels are showing in tv guide to try to understand...
Go to tv guide to try to find local channels. go to "all channels" , move cursor (box) to right one spot to tv channel/channel icon. give it a second and a purple box should say hit *asterisk for options. Hit * you will see "channel options", go to "manage channels" : click edit channel line up : Read header on channel line up for checking and unchecking channel boxes using ok button, so you know which way to proceed. Do the same thing for favorite channels under the "manage channel" window. I Hope this is some what helpful. It worked for my situation. You may have to turn off streaming channels under setup menu as a last resort to hopefully see your local channels . then store them as favorites.
Problem solved. Something has changed on tv guide local channels. Under channel options and favorite options, when you hit asterisk go into channel line up and read the header to see if you need to mark or unmark channels . choose the appropriate one and the channels will come back.
@h256 Thanks for the solution, but I still don't understand what you are describing. Are you saying to to Favorites, then hit asterisk? And what do you mean by "channel options"? And what will the header say once you see it? This is pretty confusing.
It is confusing. Took me a while to figure out had to read all words that pop up carefully. Hard to write out a way to proceed. Re Scan your local channels if they are not showing up. on tv guide.. Follow these steps . Can also follow if your local channels are showing in tv guide to try to understand...
Go to tv guide to try to find local channels. go to "all channels" , move cursor (box) to right one spot to tv channel/channel icon. give it a second and a purple box should say hit *asterisk for options. Hit * you will see "channel options", go to "manage channels" : click edit channel line up : Read header on channel line up for checking and unchecking channel boxes using ok button, so you know which way to proceed. Do the same thing for favorite channels under the "manage channel" window. I Hope this is some what helpful. It worked for my situation. You may have to turn off streaming channels under setup menu as a last resort to hopefully see your local channels . then store them as favorites.
Thanks @h256 , but now I'm seeing that you may have a different issue than mine. My local channels haven't (yet) disappeared, but all the Roku Live channels now have different channel numbers. So it's a little different, but I'm glad you were able to get your situation straightened out!
After re-scan the only Local channels available can only be found in the favorites list. Where are the channels from the new re scan? Im unable to locate to add to my favorites. The only local channels are the ones I previously added to favorites. I’m unable to local a list of Local channels to favorite 😡