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Reel Rookie

Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

I’m have issues with my dads Roku TV. Our cable provider is not changed the lineup. Some of the channels are on the wrong number. This happened suddenly and I can’t figure out what happened. For example: Channel 98 was once MeTV now its the inspiration channel and METV cannot be found anywhere. The line up does not go along with what our provider has listed. I’ve done a factory reset. I’ve changed the zip code. I’ve done multiple channel searches and it’s still the same.

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Roku Guru

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

@ashbag89  Is it happening with your OTA (over the air) channels as well?  I've started to notice something similar going on with the Recent Channels list on my Roku TV, starting a few days ago; the channels in my Recent list are there but when I select any one of them, the channel tunes to a totally random station that isn't the one I expected. Contacted RokuSupport on Twitter but they don't have any answer other than to run system update and unplug the cord 'n plug it back in. 

At first I thought it was just my TV, but your story parallels my experience even though it is on the cable channels side.  And it's a fair bet we don't both own the exact same TV model (FYI: Sharp 42") so I consider this a reproduceable error. It's apparent Roku development rolled out some change but refuses to acknowledge anything.

don't call me expert, just a long time Roku user that seen a lot of things
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Reel Rookie

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

@cwcheese I’m not sure what you mean by over the air channels lol. It the channels through our cable provider. We checked the other smart tv in the house that isn’t Roku and the cable channel list is correct. I don’t watch cable on my TV so I’m not sure how mine is. His is the only TV that the channels are wrong. And it’s not an issue with our cable provider either in case they try to tell me that.

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Roku Guru

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

OTA refers to channels you get using an antenna, the local stations that broadcast over the air.  I realize that Roku TV sets also can scan cable TV channels too, although I don't hook up mine that way so I do not scan the cable when I set up my TV. However, the error you describe on your Dad's TV is almost exactly the same error I see: you scroll through the channel list and select a channel, but it tunes to a totally different one. I suspect that a software change by Roku has quietly caused this to happen, and I'm betting that your Dad and I aren't the only ones affected.

don't call me expert, just a long time Roku user that seen a lot of things
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Reel Rookie

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

Most likely not. I’ve seen similar post from a few months back with people having the same issue and Roku doesn’t offer any solutions. I wish I could fix it because there’s certain channels my dad likes to watch and now he can’t because those channels are actually gone because of the glitch.

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Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

No, your father is not the only one having problems. I have done everything I know to do. My television is so confusing; my channels are so mixed up I have to search for the shows I  am used to watching and cannot find them it's ridiculous I will never purchase another Roku TV! The thing that bothers me is they won’t offer a solution to the problem and act as if nothing happened and as if you don’t notice there Is a change. Do what is right take care of your customers!

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Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

Exact same thing here. If enough of us complain, maybe the will do something about it. One thing I noticed is that if the guide says for example "channel 46" and it's supposed to be showing something like the news, if I scroll up 4-5 channels, the station that I'm trying to watch on "channel 46" is actully on channel 41 or 42. At this point, I start with the channel that I'm trying to watch and scroll until I see the show that I'm trying to find. SMH. Hopefully they get it fixed.

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Roku Guru

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

I noticed about a week ago that Roku TV Live TV (OTA) channel guide was quietly updated.  They added a functionality I had been tweeting at their support account for a long time: user selectable Favorites is now a separate Filter guide. 

So here is what I have observed:   There is now a new popup menu Channel Options when you go to the channel column and hit star key * to bring it up. The options in the popup are -  Favorite/Unfavorite this channel, Hide this channel, Manage channels, Filter, Close

Filter contains a submenu - All Channels, Recents, Favorites, Close that allows you to select which guide is active. It takes a second or two for the guide display to refresh and even the channel being viewed gets reselected as you hear an audible pause and click. There is a slight bug in this if you happen to hit the up or down arrow to scroll in the switched guide - it freezes the guide for about a full minute before the guide display exits and you can watch the TV program unhindered.

Manage channels brings up a sidebar menu that brings up the Manage channels menu ntrinsic to the TV. This menu allows you to scroll through and proactively checkmark your favorite channels. Also there is Edit channel lineup that lets you scroll through and proactively checkmark channels you want to hide - such as ethnic sub-channels that you don't watch often, or ones with very weak signal strength.

I personally just leave all channels visible and use Favorites to create my small quick lookup guide; sometimes you just want to be able to go scan what else is happening on the other channels. Just want to thank Roku Development team and Support team for listening to some of our gripes. While there are still a few wonky bugs in this new guide system, it is quite a lot better than the two previous attempts. And a big thank you for not forcing all the Live Streaming Channels into the OTA guide again; that was an unwelcome change that certainly the community didn't see as an upgrade. It's easy enough to click Roku Channel to get to those live streaming, and for myself it is better to keep the separate contexts.

don't call me expert, just a long time Roku user that seen a lot of things
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Roku Guru

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed

Interestingly, this evening when I turned on my Roku TV, I find that the new Live TV OTA guide has disappeared, reverted the previous All Channels, Recent Channels options. 


don't call me expert, just a long time Roku user that seen a lot of things
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Community Streaming Expert

Re: Live Channel Lineup Has Changed


Try doing a manual System Update.  Settings..System..System Update...Check Now (press OK).  Follow this with System Restart.  (Settings...System..Power...System Restart)

Received this channel organization update feature on my Insignia Roku TV in update 4209 a couple of months ago.  Currently on 4213-49 and feature still working. (Agreed, this is a great feature).  Roku may have regressed your particular update for some reason.  I am sure it will return to you in a future build in short order if the manual update does not work.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
Just another Roku user... I am not a Roku employee.
Insignia RokuTV, Ultra 4660, Premiere+ 3921, Express 4k+ 3941, Streambar 9102

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