I just took a peek at the Discussion Board, and the first Discussion in the list is dated 03-27-2023 11:45 AM, however, there are more recent discussions or updates since as late as 2024. Roku dev team, please enable sorting for your Discussion Board to not only help Roku users keep apprised to the latest updates, but show the Roku Team what's the latest from those who are using your product. If you want Roku to be a go to product and accelerate your sales to new and existing users, consistent change is required. Hence, Agile!
Simply enable Discussion Board sorts on the following:
> Most current discussions to the top and descend the rest
> Most popular discussion to the top and descend the rest
> Latest update to discussions to the top and descent the rest
This recommendation is a very simple code change to make your discussion board more efficient. The board was developed, hence, maximize the benefit of its use for all. (Internal / External)
Lastly, I would recommend to have the ability for the moderator of the Discussion Board to assign discussions to developers and their managers to ensure they are addressed. Set email notifications for them so all parties are notified as well as create an internal board reflecting any discussions with gaps. Management will love that as it's a new metric for them to enforce. If any discussions are outside the scope of the product, simply state so and close it down so folks don't continue to vote on something that will never transpire.
Thank you in advance,
Absolutely agree! Sorting by date or popularity would be a huge improvement. Would make it much easier to find the latest discussions and those getting the most attention.
Absolutely agree! Sorting by date or popularity would be a huge improvement. Would make it much easier to find the latest discussions and those getting the most attention.
Those are some great free ideas and advice that I hope they Roku sees. It's wou;d take up to much resources to set that up and the cost benefit seem absolutely worth it.
You're spot on that constant change is required in the marketplace that constantly changing. I like Roku chances I'm a huge supporter. I think Roku has other like myself that want to be active on a discussion board and it would lead to some good ideas.
You laid it out nicely. Even if they have to make a few little changes or tweeks to make it work within their existing system it's a great idea.
Love reading posts like this!
I agree with your suggestion to improve the sorting and management of the discussion board. Enabling features like sorting by the most recent discussions or most popular would make it easier for users to engage with the most relevant content. The ability to assign discussions to specific developers and manage them effectively would also streamline communication. If you're managing your utility bills, you can easily access your Pesco duplicate bill for quick and efficient handling of your payments.