no me permite instalar los canales de Disney plus , paramount , HBO , busque videos tutoriales youtube, entro donde dice y en mi plataforma no me aparecen todas las pestañas, el roku esta actualizado pero es como que no levanta todas las opciones... AYUDA llevo mas de un año intentando arreglar esto ... entre desde el artefacto , desde la pagina , nada
English translation:
installation of channels or app Disney, paramout, hbo,,, does not leave Bolivia
It doesn't allow me to install the Disney Plus, Paramount, HBO channels, look for YouTube tutorial videos, I go where it says and on my platform not all the tabs appear, the Roku is updated but it seems like it doesn't bring up all the options... HELP I've been trying to fix this for more than a year... enter from the device, from the page, nothing
Greetings from the Roku Community!
Thanks for reaching out. Please be aware that the Roku Community forum only supports English, and we'll need to use Google Translate to understand it.
Regarding this issue, it seems like you've created a Roku account that is not currently supported in your region. Please note that Roku Search is available in English in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States and in Spanish in Mexico.
The availability of channels on Roku devices varies by region, and certain channels may not be accessible based on the discretion of the channel provider. For more information, please contact the specific channel or service provider to inquire whether their content is available on the Roku platform in your region.
Let us know if there's anything else we can do to further assist you.