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The Chinese interference has been going on for years. Long before the balloons. If anyone comes up with a solution please post it.
This would be greatly appreciated.
I would think that Fox News would be able to do more than most people,if they are aware that they are targeted and CNN is not at all.seems like Democrat pro influences at work foreign or domestic. Makes me wonder why would China want a Democrat to win in our electoins.anybody elese think so.
I believe there are 2 types of interference.One is the Crochet, ladies and there is another that will not allow you to skip through the commercials. They have a message that says muted commercials. But you have to watch all of the commercials which I believe is A. Way for them to make money off of their YouTube channel. So I'm not sure if they are related to each other. But seems to me that 1 is trying to make money and the others trying to interfere with information.It is annoying,but can be avoided by doing a youtube search for your program pay attention to the youtube channel that is hosting the program ie ESPN fox news and so on .good luck
I have a premium subscription and it is happening to me as well. It’s usually a Chinese woman knitting or a Chinese kid playing video game. Also, split screen pictures of Donald Trump and Princess Diana.
I am also getting this Asian girl coloring or Asians dining and chatting, they seem to com eon any video that is Anti Trump. so it looks like the Chinese are starting to interfere in the election process by blocking anything that is anti Trump, IT should be reported to the Election commissions as an attempt to interfere with the US elections by a Foreign nation
Dave wood is backwards on what is being blocked Fox News programs blocked CNN ,msnbc never affected (do the math).
I have made clear what I think .see my post
It's happening everywhere what news channels are affected
Read all the replies
I'm having the exact same issues and it has only been happening for about 3's something but isn't no commercial!