@winston3338 That did not work for me. I updated the system and restarted. Still no channel numbers.
My channel numbers are gone again. I came back from watching YouTube and there gone
Yes, I went into the System settings and discovered that most ROKU devices are set by default to check for updates every day. Mine is already up to date. No channel numbers.
I no longer have chanels number, I only have chanel name/title, how can I retrieve chanel numbers
I did the same thing update but no change mo numbers on channels
This morning all my channel numbers came back. Thank you Roku for listening to your customers
Thank you for posting, I just checked and mine are back, too. Hooray!! Pays to speak up 🙂
Mine are back too! I'm not sure how they did that without a System Update. Now we know changes can be made to the User Interface without doing an update. Interesting…
Everyone! I know you're thrilled that the channel numbers are back, but who's to say they won't go away again? I'm not dropping a turd in the punch bowl, but I am going to make a very strong suggestion:
Go through the channels you like while the channel numbers are there and make them favorites. Do not wait.
If the channel numbers remain forever, you'll lose only the time you spent making the favorites. But, if they disappear again, having them as favorites will mean you can easily get to the channels you like and it won't matter that they don't have channel numbers.
Mine also came back on thank you