I live in Melbourne, Australia and I am unable to download the 7 plus app. I have gone to the streaming channels, then clicked on recommended where the 7 plus app appears, then I clicked on add channel and I am taken to a message ‘ confirm private channel addition where there is a code to connect however when I type in this code , I receive the following message’ could not add 7 plus . Error ‘
Does anyone know how to download this app ?
Hi, @Markmjl
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
We see that you're having issues adding channels, and we're sorry to hear about the trouble.
Kindly be advised that some channels cannot be added or accessed due to region restrictions. May we know what kind of error message do you see that prompts on the screen? Also, what channels have you looked forward to adding to your Roku streaming device? Further, you can add channels manually from any browser using your other devices such as a computer or a mobile device. Kindly refer below:
Once added, the channel will not immediately appear on your Roku device. Your Roku device checks every 24 hours for any new channels you have added from the website and automatically installs them. If you would like to download it immediately, go to your Roku device and select Settings > System > System update > Check now.
Please keep us posted on what you find out.
All the best,
Hi, @Markmjl
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
We see that you're having issues adding channels, and we're sorry to hear about the trouble.
Kindly be advised that some channels cannot be added or accessed due to region restrictions. May we know what kind of error message do you see that prompts on the screen? Also, what channels have you looked forward to adding to your Roku streaming device? Further, you can add channels manually from any browser using your other devices such as a computer or a mobile device. Kindly refer below:
Once added, the channel will not immediately appear on your Roku device. Your Roku device checks every 24 hours for any new channels you have added from the website and automatically installs them. If you would like to download it immediately, go to your Roku device and select Settings > System > System update > Check now.
Please keep us posted on what you find out.
All the best,
Hello, I am also in Australia and I would like to install the local TV channel apps. I see that '9Now' is available to install. I require the following additional apps:
ABC iView
SBS on demand
I followed the instructions provided and logged in to My account, however I do not see a 'Search channel' box to enter channels.
I request that you provide access to these common Australia channels.
Please help.
Thank you
I live in Tasmania and have exactly the same problem as @Markmil popups are the same and all.
Was going to try redownloading from channel store but unable to find 7+ instore
Greetings from the Roku Community!
Please be aware that channel availability or access on Roku devices will vary from region to region. A Roku device will work in any location, however, channels may not be available on your device in that location, based on each channel provider's discretion. For more information, we suggest you contact any specific channel service provider to inquire further about whether they offer their channel and service on the Roku platform in your region.
We hope this helps.
Kind regards,
7plus was in the tv when I bought it as a featured channel just won't install
Have 7pus in my pc so must be available
Hi, @Arobbo
Thanks for keeping us posted.
As @RokuEuniceL mentioned, the availability of the channels on Roku depends on your region. It will be best to reach out to the channel provider's support directly and inquire further regarding the so further information can be acquired from them.
We hope this helps.
All the best,
Must be all regions its not available as the app as the other comments are from different regions as well as my region as I’m in Townsville but I just cast it from my phone ( but obviously there is a problem with the channel not launching all over )
I agree, I also cannot download the plus app, nor can I ssee a search box when I go online. I feel a littled duped as the screenshots on the advert for Kogn Roku tv show Stan and Ch 9 so I assumed I would be able to access all the common Australian streming services.
@MissJaneWA, I have no idea why some regions can't search the Channel Store, but Stan is in the Australia channel store. If you're in Australia and you can't add it then there may be an issue with your account where it's not associated with the correct region.