When l click on the channel listing, the cursor moves on its own all over the place. What's up with that??? My batteries are good. Do I need a new ROKU box and, if so, how do l request a new one?
Thank you, thank you, thank you. My system is back to normal. It might be worth your time and effort to include info, such as this, with equipment for new subscribers. It will save them a lot of aggravation and YOU a lot of time. Even old people, like me, can still follow simple directions.
This doesn't work for everybody, but some people with your problem have eliminated the problem by restarting the Roku. (Note that if yours is a Roku TV with "Fast start" enabled, turning it off and back on just puts it into and out of a standby state and does NOT give you a complete restart.)
Depending on your Roku model and Roku version number you'll find the "System restart" option under "Settings > System > Power" or if you don't have a "Power" option, under "Settings > System".
If a restart doesn't do it, or if you don't have sufficient control with the remote to navigate the Roku menus, you can also restart by pulling the power plug to the Roku for a few seconds then plugging it back in and waiting for it to restart.