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Stop Speaking Spanish on English Channels

Stop Speaking Spanish on English Channels! I'm so tried of hearing it! they have their own Channels to speak their language on!   and I'm sick of listening to it on Our Channels!  I feel that it's very disrespectful to the English speaking Americans .I think We have the Right to Protest this ! Speak English on English Speaking Channels! 

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Streaming Star

Re: Stop Speaking Spanish on English Channels

The only disrespectful thing in this posting to English speaking Americans (and everyone else) are your comments. 

Roku Guru

Re: Stop Speaking Spanish on English Channels

Advertisers pay for your ad-supported programs. If they want to reach viewers who speak Spanish or any other language, that's what you'll see. The program is in English, but many multi-lingual people will be watching.

America has never had a statutory national language. This was a deliberate choice by the founders to welcome all comers. Yes, English has been the predominant language; but plenty of native born and naturalized Americans speak many other languages in addition to English.

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: Stop Speaking Spanish on English Channels

While America has not set forth a statutory English language requirement, or recognized any language as an "official language", 32 states of the 50 United States of America has established English as the official language of their State either by statute or constitutional amendment.

And there is still an English requirement portion of the naturalization process required by the federal government (1994) that must be complied with (with some exceptions for older, long term residents/20yr). 


While I have witnessed how some of these threads quickly devolve into a bunch of name-calling, denigrating character, and self-righteous finger wagging, advertisers and streaming platforms are always asking for feedback on user experience, and any user that posts such feedback in a reasonable way on this forum should be free to do so.

Any any user choosing to provide input should also respond in a reasonable, like manner.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
Just another Roku user... I am not a Roku employee.
Insignia RokuTV, Ultra 4660, 4802, 4850, Premiere+ 3921, Express 4k+ 3941, Streambar 9102

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Streaming Star

Re: Stop Speaking Spanish on English Channels

I will not resort to any name calling, but I will call out racist, entitled, and discriminatory language like the original post does.  What is "our" channels anyway?  I didn't know we had any of those unless you own the business that broadcasts or does the marketing?  

Maybe what should be a requirement is an ancestry test so that all of those who think they are entitled to "our" channels, or other such nonsense, can truly see where their ancestors originated.  I would bet you that more often than not, that previous generations of your family either didn't speak English or spoke in a way that you would criticize as not being "American."  Only Native Americans (and not I am not talking about those of us whose families immigrated from Europe and other places in the 1700's and later) can truly claim anything in regard to this country.  

Here are a few stats: Roughly 25 percent of the US population is Hispanic and/or are bilingual or speak more than 2 languages.   That is approximately 65 to 70 million people.  That is a big chunk of population that advertisers want to target and include regardless of what channel it is on.  I don't drink beer, but I still see beer advertisements, but who cares, they are targeting those who do.  If they want to broadcast Spanish, French, Mandarin, or whatever language to target those audiences, it will not affect me one way or another.  I think the world has bigger problems than worrying about commercials and everyone should be entitled to watch whatever they want in English or any other language that they want.  Instead of posting something that exhibits someone's true character, maybe they should learn more about themselves and their ancestry.  Maybe you will realize that there is no such thing as "our" anything.  This county is called the "Great American Melting Pot" for a reason.    



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