One American News Network (OANN) is not loading on three Rokus I have. There's no problem with other channels. Is there anyone here having the same problem?
Hi @cmjose,
Thanks for letting us know about this issue. We understand that you're having issues accessing the OANN channel on your Roku. We're happy to assist you with this.
Kindly try to perform the correct sequence to reboot this channel by removing the channel, restarting the device [Settings > System > Power (skip if option unavailable) > Restart], and adding the channel.
You can also try to check for the channel's update by clicking the star button on your remote. In cases where the issue persists despite performing the steps above, we recommend that you keep in touch with the channel provider's support team, as they may be able to provide you with updates regarding this.
We hope this helps.
Just did your recommendation and still the same, started loading up to 13% and won't go any further. I removed the app then I restarted the system. For me to added back the app/channel I have to resubscribe. Now I have two subscriptions with this channel/app. I already reached out to OANN and just waiting for their reply. Thank you!
I used to get OAN through KlowdTV. They are owned by Herring Network (same company that owns OAN) and they have an "OAN package" ($2.50/mo or $30/yr).
I liked them because they also pro-rated the subscription (not sure if they still do), but a nice alternative way to get OAN at a discounted price.
Otherwise, you can use your existing OAN subscription and either cast to your Roku via a mobile device (phone/tablet), or use a laptop with a HDMI cable to your TV. (At least until you figure what is going on with your current issue.)
Thank you, I'll check it out and hoping I could watch OAN again. Besides that is cheaper than $4.99 I pay.
I have tried rebooting the modem, the ROKU, and removed and added the channel. It comes up on my menu , but will not play. I have a ROKU Premier. All other channels play just fine.
Hello! @witehous66,
Thanks for the post,
We appreciate you for contacting us regarding OAN. We are pleased to be of assistance.
The device you are using can no longer support the most recent features.
This means this device will no longer get new features or streaming channels, updates to existing channels, or other software-related updates. You can keep using your Roku player to stream the channels you currently have. However, you may lose access to some channels over time as those channel partners make updates.
If you haven't already upgraded your device, you should have received an email with offers to purchase a new player at a discounted price. You can also access this offer by signing into your Roku account and visiting the following website here for Roku deals.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.
I have been having the same issue so frustrating
If you have an older Roku, you might have to upgrade to a newer model. I did this , and it all worked out fine. Hope this helps...