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Reel Rookie

New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

Hey Roku, this is MY TV, right? So why the f*ck do I turn it on and continuously find YOU adding new channels and shortcuts that I don’t want. 

and these shortcuts can’t be removed, apparently. The star button does nothing when I hover over them. 

Please stop making changes to MY TV that I PAID for, and leave my settings as is. Now somebody please tell me how to get rid of “movies” “TV SHOWS”, “New & Popular”, and these three “Browse” shortcuts. I do not want to browse “All Things Home.” That is stupid and so is your software. If these can’t be removed, so help me god I will sell this TV today and go buy a Samsung.

Roku Guru

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

Bumping this post to add that I'm having the same issue.  These new shortcuts first appeared this evening, after rebooting my Roku Streaming Stick+ device.

  • Roku Streaming Stick+ (Model 3810X)
  • Software Version 12.5.0, Build 4178-50
  • Last Software Update: October 26, 2023

This new issue is reminiscent of the following issue back in June: Remove "Live TV" Tile

After reporting the matter, I was told the it was passed along to the appropriate Roku team.  Since then, my Roku Streaming Stick+ has been updated at least twice, yet the "Live TV" Tile persists.

Now, even more shortcuts have been added that, as far as I can tell, cannot be removed or hidden.  If there is a way to remove or hide them, please let me know how.

Thanks for your time.

Community Streaming Expert

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

Roku has said that these new home screen additions will be receiving an option to remove them and/or at least move them to a less troublesome location in a future update.  Just when we get that update (or updates) is anybody's guess.

Roku Community Streaming Expert
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Ultra 4850 | Ultra 4800 | Streaming Stick 4K+ 3821 | TCL Roku TV 43S245/C107X
Roku Guru

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

Thanks very much for the reply and the encouraging news.  It's good to know that Roku is at least giving it some consideration.

0 Kudos
Reel Rookie

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

Thank god. I am still in awe that they shipped these features without that option. Which dumbass exec made that choice lmao 

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

@IDespiseR0ku When I turned on my Roku player this morning, those six shortcuts were, thankfully, gone. Did this happen for you, too?

It's been a month since my last software update, so it would seem that software updates don't necessarily have anything to do with such configuration changes.

@makaiguy You were right. The six new shortcuts disappeared. Also, just three days ago, I was finally able to remove the "Live TV" tile from my Home screen, too.  I hope you will relay my thanks to the developers for addressing both issues.

0 Kudos
Community Streaming Expert

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove


I'm not one of the "lucky" once that has received any of these annoyances.  With them gone, are there any configuration options added (perhaps under Settings / Home screen) for adding/removing/moving them?

Roku Community Streaming Expert
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Ultra 4850 | Ultra 4800 | Streaming Stick 4K+ 3821 | TCL Roku TV 43S245/C107X
Roku Guru

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove


Howdy and thanks for the reply. I did check "Settings" > "Home Screen" and found everything to be the same -- nothing added, nothing removed, all pre-existing settings preserved.

Before these two events, I wouldn't have thought that features could be added/removed without a software update. But, I've now seen it happen four times. Well, something is being "updated," just not the version shown under "Settings" > System" > "Software Update."

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

@makaiguy -

Apparently, I was too optimistic, as all six of those shortcuts reappeared on the Home screen this evening.  They were not there, prior to watching a movie. After the movie, the shortcuts were present again. Maybe you could pass along these notes to the appropriate team, if you wouldn't mind? Many thanks.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: New unwanted shortcuts that I can’t remove

To the question of "which 'dumbass' executive made the decision to add non-removable additions to the home screen":  I believe the answer is "all of them".

This is an institutional problem within Roku.

Yes, adding new features to Roku is usually a good idea.  I expect that there are people who do like the new shortcuts.

But Roku management and developers are fixated on the idea that they know better than anyone what the customers should get, and that whatever they do is, by definition, perfect.  They do not appear to do any sort of customer testing, and I don''t think any of them ever read what the customers write here or elsewhere.

What appears on the home screen is important.  The developers should have known that customers have always had the choice of what to put on the home screen, and that the new additions should have had this option from the beginning.

Unfortunately, they are not the only company or development group that feels this way.  Too many company executives believe that they don't need to test any ideas with the customers.

I could give you a long list of very large and successful companies that were in business for many years, and were considered to be a permanent fixtures of the U.S. economy, which eventually died because they were out-of-touch with their customer base.  Just off the top of my head, I can name:

Western Union



Phillips (in europe)


Pan Am



and if I took a few minutes for research II could probably find many more.



As bad decisions go, this one is far from being the worst I've seen, and they have promised to fix it, but it is important that we all continue to make our voices heard here in forums like this if we want to continue to use Roku in the future.  Management and developers need to be told the truth when they make bad decisions, whether they want to hear it or not.

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