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Roku Guru

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

"gandalf1369" wrote:
I have the Pro version of IP Camera Viewer.  If I purchase either a Blink XT or Blink XT2 camera will I be able to view them on my Roku Stick+ ??

If your cameras support jpeg video encoding (mjpeg, rtsp) or jpeg snapshot, then yes. Else, if your camera only supports h264 streams then it will work if you are willing to use extra hardware:
0 Kudos

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

I have just installed this channel and set up all my cameras (streaming through Blue Iris). Everything seemed to work great. I could see each stream as well as the snapshots for each feed. Now though, when I try the side by side view, it shows the feeds for a few seconds and then the whole Roku crashes and reboots.

Second thing I would like to mention is an enhancement suggestion. It would be nice if there was a preference to set the default "home screen" to display when the channel starts. This could be set to either the home page as it is now with the list of camera, settings etc. or it could be set to display an individual camera's feed, or the side by side view.

Another enhancement idea would be to have the side by side view be interactive such that you could use the arrows to move through and select any of the cameras in that view and click on it to bring up a full screen of that camera.
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

Does the basic have time limit?
I wanted to try this app before getting the "pro" version.
But it seems that the camera can only be online for a limited number of minutes.  10, or a little more.  I get lucky if it stays online for 30 min.
Is this the feature on the basic?
It just stalls but when viewed on  a browser, I can see the updated one on a different system.  So it is only on the IP Camera application.
Please advise. 
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Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

I have purchased the pro version. How do I update to the latest version like Android so that it supports Dafang Hack-Wyzw-Xaomi camera's on port8554? The one on Roku doesn't have the drivers are doens't like the combonations.

Path to feed: rtsp://
HLS: hls:
hls.js web player: hls:
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Roku Guru

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

"korkythatcher" wrote:
I have purchased the pro version. How do I update to the latest version like Android so that it supports Dafang Hack-Wyzw-Xaomi camera's on port8554? The one on Roku doesn't have the drivers are doens't like the combonations.

Path to feed: rtsp://
HLS: hls:
hls.js web player: hls:

The Roku application works only with jpeg encoded streams. If your camera has HLS stream, just enter the HLS address (see the help): hls:
0 Kudos

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

Trying to add my cameras to a 2nd Roku. When I use the ONVIF auto config the app crashes. Will this app work on multiple devices? I have the pro version.
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Binge Watcher

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

Are you still adding features to this app?
Would you consider a Sequence Mode to automatically show cameras one at a time? Maybe with a setting for duration seconds?
It would also be great to use the left and right remote arrows to move to the next/previous camera before the duration elapses. And pause could keep it on that camera, and play could resume.
This would also be great during the screensaver so I could glance up at the TV and catch something happening outside.

Thanks for considering!
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Binge Watcher

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

I notice in the screensaver, I choose Use Application's Fullscreen setting,
and I have the application set to Fill & Preserve Aspect Ratio,
but the screensaver seems to do Original Image Received anyway.

Fill Screen (Stretched) does work.

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Roku Guru

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

The utility for Raspberry Pi / Orange Pi (etc), that enables IP Camera Viewer Pro to work with h264 streams, was updated to work with the latest version of PHP. Please get it from here:

This application also allows you to stream your camera to YouTube or Twitch live, with just one click of the button.

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Reel Rookie

Re: IP Camera Viewer Basic and Pro, fresh out of the oven (ONVIF, RTSP coming soon)

Did this app ever get rtsp? I’m using Wonnie products and can’t get my device to work with the app
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